Partner with Soulstones

Custom Scannable Beads

Showcase your brand in a unique way by branding for your event, products, or fans that can be scanned for engaging user experiences!

App Branding & Customization

Customize the Soulstones app with your brand's theme colors, logo, targeted notifications, branded activation flow, user badges, and more!

Wristband Activation & Fan Quests

Hosting events? Integrate our app with your existing wristbands, no changes needed, to create fan engagement hubs & quests for attendees

We Collab With

  • Events

    Custom apps compatible with your existing wristbands.

  • Brands

    Custom beads & app placements for customer engagement.

  • Artists

    Musicians and other creatives with a brand

  • More!

    Fall into another category? Let's find a way to collab!

Partner FAQ

What custom app features do you offer?

We offer the ability to brand the entire user flow inside our app to highlight your brand exactly how you like it:

  • Theme Colors
  • Premier Logo Placements
  • Targeted Notifications
  • Branded Activation Flow
  • User Badges
  • Branded Ad Placements

How does wristband activation work?

Our app turns existing festival wristbands into engagement hubs through memorable attendee experiences. It can scan the NFC/RFID chips inside and provide branded experience, attendee incentives, and much more! Learn more by contacting

What are Soulstone Quests?

We offer engaging fan experiences before, during, and after the festival using a combination of unique in-app incentives and custom NFC form factors to create moments, connections, and memories that your fan base won't forget!

How much do custom Soulstone beads cost?

Custom Beads cost anywhere from $3-$7 per unit depending on bead size, colors, design, order size and other requirements. Email us at to get a quote!

What's the MOQ for custom Soulstone Beads?

Minimum order quantity starts at 200 units.

Let's Work Together!

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